Poet ✥ Activist ✥ Author

I live in Atlanta with my wife Dawn Aura, two cats and two wise old pecan trees, and I serve on the boards of two very different nonprofits. My poetry, fiction, essays, and workshops draw on my lifelong relationship with nature to help seed a much-needed evolutionary shift. Welcome!
Who’s “Wing”?
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Use the power of your
voice for positive change
Talks & Readings
I’m ready to speak and/or
perform for any audience
Connecting with nature & your
political chakra through poetry
Blog & Newsletter
A poet’s-eye view of the state
of the planet and human evolution
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Free download:
Between Cleanliness & Godliness: How to Minimize Your Mess & Recycle the Rest
Recycling tips from a semi-retired pro.
Wild Atlanta: Greenspaces & Nature Preserves of Metro Atlanta
Celebrating metro Atlanta’s many protected wild spaces in words and images, with photographs by Luz Wright. Full-color oversize paperback from Wind Eagle Press. (Details here.)
“Washed in the
A poet’s call to climate action, in collaboration with videographer Asa Henderson.